Mission Statement
Reaching out with the love of God, sharing Jesus with children as we prepare them for the future.
1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are!
Monthly Newsletter

April will be a month full of fun and exciting themes for our preschoolers to learnand explore. We will be exploring insects, butterflies, plants, flowers, and gardens. We are hoping for warm weather and sunshine, and more outside playground time. We will also be learning all about how we can be a light for Jesus.
We would like to thank everyone who purchased Krispy Kreme donuts. Our preschool fundraiser went very well and we appreciate your support! Preschool registration is open for the 2024-2025 School year. Please help us spread the word!
Preschool Board
As we turn the calendar to 2024 it is an honor to be a part of a part the LaRue Christian
Preschool board and see the way God’s hand is on this ministry! We as a preschool board are
so, pleased with Ms. Tracy. Her commitment to Jesus and to the children are evident in all she
does. The preschool Christmas program was wonderful. And the children were like little
The board is appreciative of Richwood Bank for preschool tee shirts and to Shaw Wyse
Investment and J-Lenco for donations toward Preschool. I extend my personal thanks to the
Preschool board for the generous gift presented to me. I am beyond grateful and humbled by
this kindness. One of the best gifts of all is knowing that our little village is able to have a
Christian preschool and to realize that LaRue has one of the few Christian preschools
remaining in Marion County. It brings pride to the program, knowing that many parents who
were once students here are now returning to enroll their children. What and amazing close to
2023! Thank you, Ms. Tracy and Ms. Jessie for providing a balanced Christian curriculum and
loving the children like your own.
Jeanie Park
Preschool Board Chair 2023