Sunday School Classes Begin!
Sunday school for Children will begin Sunday, August 1st, at 10 AM. We will begin in the social room with music and a video. Then we will move upstairs for a craft and a bible activity. There will be something for all ages. Helpers are always welcome. The cornerstone class is meeting upstairs for parents and any adults who wish to attend. Please bring a child and attend Sunday school.
Adult Sunday School Class
Adult Sunday School Classes are held in the Chapel for everyone. Classes start at 10:00 a.m. Hope to see you there.
Children Youth and Family Team was glad to
support Wendy Crabtree and Becky Kibler in
December Community Kids Christmas event. Table
games, tie dying, relay races Christmas games and
good food was enjoyed by all. Thank you to
everyone who helped make it a successful event!
Bibles were given to all the kids present and the cost
was deferred by a couple generous donations.
The Children Youth and Family Team met in Dec
to set goals and prioritize our vision for 2024.
The items discussed were as follows:
1. Supporting the Community Kids Gathering that
Wendy Crabtree & Becky Kibler sense a call to
serve and are hosting each month. The team is
grateful to those who have stepped up to provide or
fund meals for this event since summer and also,
for the donation given to provide Bibles. There will
NOT be a Community Kids Gatherings/ Game
Night in January. Becky or Wendy will share for
details concerning February mMuch depends on
weather). We have gathered a list of names of the
kids who have taken part in the Community Kids
Gathering/ Game Night since summer and we hope
to invite and remind them when the next event is
happening. There was discussion about the
possibility of having a fundraiser in late March or
April to support the effort of Wendy & Becky.
2. The CYF team would like to see the second Sunday become a special Sunday and include youth in the service and have Jr. church.
3. There was discussion about Grandparents Day and several ideas were given. The team will
approach the Worship team to see if a different
Sunday in September would work better than Sept
8th. Since many folks are not available for worship
on Sep 8th.4. The team would like to highlight the Samaritan’s purse shoebox ministry earlier in 2024. Many grandparents & parents found this ministry to be a great teaching tool for their family.
5. There was discussion about a vision and hope for a Sunday School Party / Picnic Fellowship, possibly in late August.
All of these items are still in the planning and or
vision phase. They will be shared with Ad Council atthe next meeting. If you have ideas or suggestions for the children youth and family team please contact any of the following CYF team members:
Gwyn Trihaft, Vickie Elkins, Becky Kibler, Jo Ann White, Sara Grote, or Jeanie Park, CYF Team Leader